Labelling of Plastic Chairs to be Donated anemptytextlline Donation of Plastic Chairs anemptytextlline IMG-20220611-WA0005 anemptytextlline Donation of plastic chairs to Kotoku and Kwashiekuma to support their meetings anemptytextlline Assessment anemptytextlline Engagement at Amasaman ward anemptytextlline Get on board for victory anemptytextlline Engagement at Osonodonpe, near Mayera anemptytextlline Demo anemptytextlline
Labelling of Plastic Chairs to be Donated anemptytextlline Donation of Plastic Chairs anemptytextlline IMG-20220611-WA0005 anemptytextlline Donation of plastic chairs to Kotoku and Kwashiekuma to support their meetings anemptytextlline Assessment anemptytextlline Engagement at Amasaman ward anemptytextlline Get on board for victory anemptytextlline Engagement at Osonodonpe, near Mayera anemptytextlline Demo anemptytextlline